Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How to Identify Ming Dynasty Chenghua Porcelain香港多禄溙国际拍卖行:教你如何鉴定成化瓷器

我们在聊成化瓷器之前,必须得先来了解一下历史上的成化皇帝,关于他的一生,相比其瓷器艺术的成就,显得更为精彩绝伦继续阅读“Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How to Identify Ming Dynasty Chenghua Porcelain香港多禄溙国际拍卖行:教你如何鉴定成化瓷器”

Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of ancient porcelain, and understand these points教您如何鉴定古代瓷器的真假,学会这几点你也可以成为专家

在古玩界,瓷器一直是备受着收藏家喜爱的一大板块,但是呢在如今的收藏市场,仿造品泛滥,关于各朝各代的款式特征,名继续阅读“Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of ancient porcelain, and understand these points教您如何鉴定古代瓷器的真假,学会这几点你也可以成为专家”

Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of blue and white porcelain

中国古代瓷器上的装饰纹样,纹饰不仅题材丰富,绘画技法巧妙,而且“图必有意,意必吉祥”,常用谐音表意和象征手法寄继续阅读“Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of blue and white porcelain”

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