

How much is the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty now worth?元代青花瓷现在值多少钱?

元青花所使用国产青料,其成分为高锰、高铝的,与同时的进口料差别很大,所描绘的青花纹饰呈色蓝灰或蓝黑,见浓淡色阶继续阅读“How much is the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty now worth?元代青花瓷现在值多少钱?”

Teach you how to identify the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty教你如何鉴定元代青花瓷

元代景德镇瓷器从元初的传统青白瓷、黑釉瓷、铁绘瓷等较单一的品种,过度到高质量的枢府瓷、白釉瓷、釉里红瓷、高温蓝继续阅读“Teach you how to identify the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty教你如何鉴定元代青花瓷”

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