Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How should the blue and white porcelain of Yongle Xuande be identified? Teach you these three skills永乐宣德的青花瓷应该怎么鉴定?教你这三招

青花瓷发展到明代,在元朝元青花的成熟基础上又有了进一步的发展,且经过了明早期洪武朝、建文朝的过渡期,到了永乐年继续阅读“Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How should the blue and white porcelain of Yongle Xuande be identified? Teach you these three skills永乐宣德的青花瓷应该怎么鉴定?教你这三招”

How much is the Daming Xuande furnace now, and appreciate the auction price of 2018 大明宣德炉现在多少钱,鉴赏2018年的拍卖价格

江南自古爱香。中华大地的第一炉香,即出自江南。为什么这么说?因为,就在上海的青浦,考古发掘出了中华文明史上现存继续阅读“How much is the Daming Xuande furnace now, and appreciate the auction price of 2018 大明宣德炉现在多少钱,鉴赏2018年的拍卖价格”

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