

多禄泰拍卖行全球公开征集,近千藏品仅相中百余件The Dorotheum auction house is collecting treasures for the world. Nearly a thousand collections contain only one hundred.

众多珠三角收藏爱好者涌向澳门星际酒店8楼,因为香港多禄泰拍卖行来澳门公开征集拍品了。两天下来,上百位收藏爱好者继续阅读“多禄泰拍卖行全球公开征集,近千藏品仅相中百余件The Dorotheum auction house is collecting treasures for the world. Nearly a thousand collections contain only one hundred.”

The characteristics of blue-and-white porcelain in the Ming Dynasty and how to identify it?明代青花瓷的特点及如何鉴别?

明代瓷器 瓷器是中国劳动人民的重要发明之一,是古代劳动人民的智慧和力量的结晶。中国瓷器的发展,由宋代的大江南北继续阅读“The characteristics of blue-and-white porcelain in the Ming Dynasty and how to identify it?明代青花瓷的特点及如何鉴别?”

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