如何鉴别明乐永乐青花瓷?记住这6种识别方法 How to identify Mingle Yongle Blue and White Porcelain? Remember these 6 recognition methods

明永乐朝历时21年,是明代国力强盛时期。随着景德镇瓷器业的昌盛繁荣和技术的不断进步,明永乐青花瓷以其胎、釉精细继续阅读“如何鉴别明乐永乐青花瓷?记住这6种识别方法 How to identify Mingle Yongle Blue and White Porcelain? Remember these 6 recognition methods”

明代宣德瓷的特点是什么,如何鉴别?What are the characteristics of Xuande porcelain in the Ming Dynasty, and how to identify it?

明宣宗朱瞻基(1398年-1435年1月31日)汉族,明朝第五位皇帝。明代宣德年间景德镇御窑厂烧造的青花瓷器,继续阅读“明代宣德瓷的特点是什么,如何鉴别?What are the characteristics of Xuande porcelain in the Ming Dynasty, and how to identify it?”

多禄泰拍卖行全球公开征集,近千藏品仅相中百余件The Dorotheum auction house is collecting treasures for the world. Nearly a thousand collections contain only one hundred.

众多珠三角收藏爱好者涌向澳门星际酒店8楼,因为香港多禄泰拍卖行来澳门公开征集拍品了。两天下来,上百位收藏爱好者继续阅读“多禄泰拍卖行全球公开征集,近千藏品仅相中百余件The Dorotheum auction house is collecting treasures for the world. Nearly a thousand collections contain only one hundred.”

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