多禄溙澳门拍卖2019圆满收槌 Dorothy Macau 2019 auction ends successfully

  多禄溙拍卖行澳门2019亚洲古今文物拍卖会于昨日(12月30日)在澳门星际酒店圆满落下帷幕。。此次多禄泰拍继续阅读“多禄溙澳门拍卖2019圆满收槌 Dorothy Macau 2019 auction ends successfully”

Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How should the blue and white porcelain of Yongle Xuande be identified? Teach you these three skills永乐宣德的青花瓷应该怎么鉴定?教你这三招

青花瓷发展到明代,在元朝元青花的成熟基础上又有了进一步的发展,且经过了明早期洪武朝、建文朝的过渡期,到了永乐年继续阅读“Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How should the blue and white porcelain of Yongle Xuande be identified? Teach you these three skills永乐宣德的青花瓷应该怎么鉴定?教你这三招”

Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How to Identify Ming Dynasty Chenghua Porcelain香港多禄溙国际拍卖行:教你如何鉴定成化瓷器

我们在聊成化瓷器之前,必须得先来了解一下历史上的成化皇帝,关于他的一生,相比其瓷器艺术的成就,显得更为精彩绝伦继续阅读“Hong Kong Dorothy International Auction House: How to Identify Ming Dynasty Chenghua Porcelain香港多禄溙国际拍卖行:教你如何鉴定成化瓷器”

Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of ancient porcelain, and understand these points教您如何鉴定古代瓷器的真假,学会这几点你也可以成为专家

在古玩界,瓷器一直是备受着收藏家喜爱的一大板块,但是呢在如今的收藏市场,仿造品泛滥,关于各朝各代的款式特征,名继续阅读“Teach you how to distinguish the true and false of ancient porcelain, and understand these points教您如何鉴定古代瓷器的真假,学会这几点你也可以成为专家”

香港多禄溙拍卖行2020年春季拍卖会征集全面启动Hong Kong Dorothy”s Auction House 2020 Spring Auction Solicitation Fully Launched

多禄溙拍卖行经过多年发展,在广大藏家和客户的鼎力支持下取得了不俗的成绩。积极筹备2020年亚洲春季艺术品拍卖会继续阅读“香港多禄溙拍卖行2020年春季拍卖会征集全面启动Hong Kong Dorothy”s Auction House 2020 Spring Auction Solicitation Fully Launched”

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